Sunday, January 31, 2010

Making Art

I dream of making a living making art. I am still on the journey, trying to figure out what it is that I am good at. Continuing down the path while searching along the way. By this I mean, what is my medium? What is my style? I feel like I am still exploring, trying to find my kismet. I wonder, if in the end, I will find it or maybe the journey is my destiny, the path my passion.


  1. I think you nailed it in your last sentence. I remember reading about a college professor who said that he wanted to write a very important book, but his students kept asking him questions and needing him to help them. He discovered that the interruptions were his life.

  2. yeah, i think that that's it, sometimes. sadly, i think that sometimes we never realize it and feel an emptiness that really didn't exist. kind of like not stopping to smell the roses along the way ...... sometimes the journey IS the destination :)
