Sunday, January 24, 2010

That's My Name, Don't Wear It Out!

I have many nicknames.

I have always had many many nicknames. So many, that- at one point when I was little- I didn't know my real name.

My mom was calling me in for dinner from playing outside, and, when calling my real name .. I didn't answer or come running. As soon as she called a nickname, I came home. - She then told my dad that she didn't think I knew my name and they had better start using it.

Another time, I came home crying after Sunday school and saying I never wanted to go back because the kids were teasing me. What about? Well they kept calling me by my nickname - how did they know it? (my parents asked) -- I TOLD THEM :)

And so, in this quest of you all knowing me a little better ... here they are (the ones I remember):

jones-bones (this was the one told at Sunday school)
mike ann

So, I guess that's it .... so, call me what you will - as long as it's nice. :) - and really, what's in a name? :)


  1. Such a CUTE PIC!!!
    Here are mine:
    1. Black Cloud
    2. Anna Banana
    3. Annie (which I absolutely hate)
    4. and one time when we moved I changed my name to Sally (it didn't last)
    I can't think of any others.

  2. :) black cloud? I think there must be a story there. :)
