Saturday, January 23, 2010

Sniff! Sniff! -- Someone's pants are on fire ...

... and they aren't mine. I am a TERRIBLE liar!

I've been told this by a few, though it is something I already knew.

First: I can't really think up a good lie. (no comments)- i really can't. My mind goes blank. I can't think of anything that would sound good. I see/hear some people do this and I am amazed that they can come up with something so quickly.

Second: I get all flustered and flushed (I blush)- nervous, twitchy. Panic sets in (which I believe is a pretty good give-away)

So, I typically try and steer clear of situations where I might have to lie. I mean, an occasional white lie .."Yes, those are nice shoes ... Yes, I like your hair like that ... Mmmmm that salad dressing was DE-LISH!: ;) wink

So, as Abe would say 'I cannot tell a lie, and that's the truth!"


  1. I'm a really good liar. No, not really. Just okay. But it's not okay to lie anyway so I wouldn't want to be that good at it. I think your blog is inspiring to write my own blog... via comment posts on your blog. Is that called a clog or a bomment?

  2. it is called you= HIGH-larious! I LOVE all or your responses! makes me smile every day :)
