Friday, January 29, 2010

And Still, MORE Random Ramblings ...

-- I once super glued rhinestones in my hair for St. Pat's Day. - it was a good idea, at the time. (sober)

-- We used to take off work on St. Pat's day, go to the pub around 11:00 or so, stay until around 11:pm or so and make a full, fun day of it. I miss those days.

-- I have gotten 2 tickets and gotten out of 2 tickets. I liked getting out of them better.

-- My first car was a 1973 convertible black and yellow VW Super Beetle ... I miss it.

-- As a kid, I loved the snow. As an adult, it stresses me out (but it's real pretty :)..)

-- I once had a girl we met in Florida tell me I didn't look like a Michael Ann, so she would call me Susie. I think that's weird.

-- Every summer we used to go 'down home' ... it was fun. My gmom's sisters were really funny... I miss that.

-- I hum a little tune when I enjoy what I am eating. (So I've been told ... I never really noticed)

-- I used to sit at the table, watch everyone eat and then have to eat my dinner cold, alone - (well my poor mom would sit there with me)

-- I was once in a nice clothing store with my mom and gmom, being very quiet. I then walked up to them and held out my hand and said 'Look at these' ... My hand full of a big stack of price tags I had pulled off the dresses. We left the store immediately.

-- I hold my head down while walking (a shy thing) but as a result, I have found a diamond ring, diamond earring, pearl necklace and money ... so, maybe it pays to be shy :)

-- I have met many famous people (thanks Brad)- the coolest (and friendliest) was Johnny Cash.

-- My gmom was at our house babysitting one time and told me to do something. I told her I didn't have to because it wasn't her house. She said that was fine, she would just tell my mom. To which I replied 'Can't you take a tease??' - with a sly grin :)

-- My best friend Davis and I played barber (minds out of the gutter). I cut his hair for him (with those rounded kid scissors) He went home and told his parents that I gave the best haircuts ever! ... He had to go have his head shaved. His parents didn't tell mine until after his real haircut .. I guess I got in trouble. :)


  1. I'm glad you think snow is pretty because it looks like you're going to see a lot of it today!
    How old were you when you "collected" the price tags?

  2. yeah, I know ...... I was little, I am guessing around 4 or 5 (when I collected the price tags) . and that was back in the day when they weren't computer generated, you know? ha! I had been 'so good and quiet' ..... :)
