Thursday, January 21, 2010

My FAVORITE Book (Plus it has pictures!)

A Quiet Place
By Lynn Wheeling

One sunny day a child named Grace was looking for A QUIET PLACE.

She looked behind the violet in the hall, but that QUIET PLACE was very small.

She looked in the parlor behind the chair, but the clock ticked too loud ... and someone was there.

She looked upstairs under the bed, but that QUIET PLACE was for rainy days instead.

So she took a sugar bun and a cup of tea and went behind the lilac tree. She sipped the tea and nibbled the bun ... And THE QUIET PLACE was filled with sun!

Suddenly she saw a face. She was not alone in THE QUIET PLACE. It was a boy ... and boys will be boys ...THE QUIET PLACE was filled with noise!

So she broke the bun and gave him part ... and THE QUIET PLACE was in her heart.

the.end. (I think this speaks volumes)

p.s. good thing it wasn't War and Peace (that's a long one, yeah?)


  1. My favorite book is called HELLO, GOODBYE. It was about two little girls moving to a new neighborhood after packing up all their special possessions and memories, and then discovering new friends and things to do in their new home. What can I say, I was an Army brat and my mom was into psychology. I'm sure she thought that book would give me and my little sister, Jenny, comfort and confidence. And moving wasn't that scary a thing. Looking back, I don't know if it was the book that made moving easier, or knowing my mom understood it wasn't easy but also letting us know we were in it together, as a family.
    The End
    PS I'm emailing you a scan of the book's cover.

  2. I like that ..... very insightful of your mom. look forward to the cover ...

  3. I just pulled that book to read it to my daughter. I love this book. Did you see what it's selling for on Amazon?? Do you have any of her other books?

    1. i wonder if you are still at this email ..... i don't think i ever checked back on this blog... LOVE my little book ....... and no, i never had any of her other books .......

  4. Thank you very much!!!!

    This favorite book helped me learn to read -- but has since disappeared. I used to have it memorized, but could not recall all the details. Though based upon your text, I hand much more than I thought, including the ending!

    Yes, it's very difficult to locate used copies of this particular book. Perhaps because it struck such a chord with all its readers?

    I think it would be well-received as a re-issue, but doubt that will happen. :-/

    Thank you again for helping me recapture the memories!

  5. Thank you for posting this. "A Quiet Place" was one of my now-40-year-old daughter's favorites. She still has her well-loved copy, which is not for sale now that she's a mom herself. I can almost recite it from memory yet today.

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