Friday, January 22, 2010


Here's one that most of you already know. I don't know how to ride a bike. There. I said it. I never learned how. I tried, it just didn't 'take'.

Blow-by-blow (that I remember):
I ran into a fence (while riding down the alley near our house)and fell off the bike.

I was riding on a tennis court: sans the net being up : and ran into one of the two posts(that hold the net) on the court. After the direct hit I flipped over the handle bars and off the bike.

I was thrown underneath a parked car in our driveway while on the back of my sisters bike. We hit a muddy-slippery- dip in the drive and the bike spun around and i was thrown under the car. She said, and I quote 'They would have never found us if you hadn't screamed so loud' ... and for sure they wouldn't have. :)

So, the.end for me.... I did get a bike for Christmas, one year, after we moved here. (I would guess '79 or '80) There's a picture of me on it somewhere at my parents. I believe that was one of the two times I was on that bike. It might still be at my parents.. or it was sold at a garage sale - can't remember. :)

I kind of wish I knew how to ride one. It looks fun ... Maybe one day I'll get one like the bike above .. that might be more my speed + plus + I'd like to keep all my teeth. :)


  1. I loved riding bikes! My first one (that had training wheels and then didn't) was exactly your dream bike's color blue.

  2. I would need training wheels on a regular bike, and I just don't think they make them for adult bikes - ha!

    and thank you for commenting on all my silly posts ..... let's me know someone is 'listening' hee hee
