Tuesday, February 16, 2010

YEE-HAW! Almost Done.

Well, this is about it. And that's good. While I have really enjoyed rambling on, I am running out of things to say. I do that .... often ..... like if I am talking with someone (esp. if I may like them, but don't know them very well) Then I think 'Say something!!' and then I can't think of ANYTHING! and I mean NOTHING! a TOTAL BLANK! - seriously, not a thing! and then I think I look like I am uninterested, dull or a moron ..... but I digress :)

I have had fun with this and maybe someone has learned a little something about me, or at the very least has had a laugh. Since I am not there, laughing at me is ok .. I am sure it is deserved.

Let's see .... what else can I tell you?

random likes: (in no particular order)

-walking on the beach
-architecture (decorating)
-home depot/art store (could spend hours in either)
-a carnival
-a walk around nature (not a crazy hike, but out there)
-kids giggles
-spending time with people I care about - doing nothing ... the best way to learn about someone
-laughing with friends
-painting my nails
-going to movies/watching movies at home
-cooking (I forget about this, but I enjoy it)
-a 'before&after' (people makeover, home makeover etc.)
-going to art fairs/craft fairs/shows

what I would like to do:

-drive/ride in a race car
-go to a drive-in-movie
-pick apples/blueberries/etc. and then go home and make pies
-go on a picnic
-learn to do something someone else likes to do
-take more art classes(find my craft)- workshop
-more cooking (learn how to make different dishes)- maybe a class
-go to art fairs/craft fairs/shows with someone special


-getting married - finding someone who loves me and who I love back. Someone who thinks I am worth the effort. someone to share life's ups and downs. the good times are better when you have someone to share them with. a forever friend to spend the rest of my life with. someone to grow old with. Life is short, but I am still young ... and a catch! wink ;)
-kids (still have some time and would still like them)
-being an artist full-time ...
-getting a 'fixer-upper' and fixing it up
-little more traveling
-having someone welcome me home
-going to an artist workshop away somewhere
-go to art fairs/craft fairs/shows with someone special (still want it)

random thinks:

-people look better/prettier/younger when wearing a smile
-your heart smiles BIG when you help someone else or do something nice
-people need to hear the good things about themselves (things they do, accomplish, etc)- I am not as good about this as I should be
-if you give someone a chance and listen carefully you may hear their heart sing
-at the end of the day, it's the people in my life I cherish the most



  1. I'm up (a little) today and (finally) able to comment on your last few entries. I think you are a very honest, direct person and know yourself really well. I hope this adventure has helped you see yourself more clearly. I am so happy you are my friend.

  2. well, I am glad to hear you are up (a little). I hope you continue to be on the mend and feel spunky soon :) ... and thank you ..... i'm trying (some days a little more than others) :) thank you for all of your comments and I am really happy we have become friends, too. I think things happen for a reason. I am really thankful that we overlapped at work/in life to become friends now. I like that you are in my life, again :) .......
