Wednesday, February 17, 2010


Happy Birthday Cake Breakfast!!!!!!!! yum!

Well, this is it. The end of the blog and if this one is numbered 29 (which it is) I definitely have difficulties with math. (remember it was going to be 40 days) This is all well and good, though, because I was really running out of things to say. I think I will miss this a bit. It has been fun and a good experience, if for anything, then to get my brain to thinking and remembering. So, on to today's blog .....

On this 40th birthday of my life I would like to say ...

I am thankful for my family. My parents and sister (brother-in-law and nieces ... grandparents and beyond) I am very blessed, fortunate, lucky to have been 'given' them. I know I am. I appreciate them and love them more than I could believe possible. Thank you.

I am thankful for my friends I have made throughout my life. I believe in quality, not quantity. The quality of my friends is GREAT. I am blessed, fortunate and lucky to have you all in my life.Thank you for choosing me as your friend, as well.

I am thankful for my life. Life IS Good. I am blessed, fortunate and lucky. It may not go as I would always like it to, the path may be rocky at times and may seem to change course without warning, but overall it really is a wonderful life. Thank you for being a part of it.

I hope the next 40 years are as blessed, fortunate and lucky as the past. In their way, I am sure they will be. The occasional rocky path will find it's way in, I am sure, but with my family and friends, the journey will be worth it.

I love you all and have a HAPPY DAY!
mike ann


  1. Thank you! It was great chit-chatting via email yesterday . I'll give a call soon :) and we can real life chit-chat :)

  2. Well, done! Congratulations on finishing what you started. AND Happy, Happy Birthday, too! You are a gift to all of us who are lucky enough to be in your life!

  3. thank you anne! thanks for all your comments and your own 'blog' in the process. I have enjoyed it :)
