Friday, February 12, 2010

I Dream of Jeannie

When I was little my gmom had a salad dressing bottle (or maybe it was a vinegar bottle) that looked a LOT like the I Dream of Jeannie Bottle. It had circular 'windows' and looked real ornate. So, when I was at her house, I would play I Dream of Jeannie. Guess who I was?


When she passed away I got that bottle. It is now on my bookshelf and when I see it I think of her and Jeannie.

p.s. I found out tonight that my cousin and her husband will be selling my gmom's old house. I haven't been in it since she passed away. It was just too hard. They sent a 'virtual tour' of the house. It looks good. It looks different and that is good. I know my gmom would be happy they are moving along to something a little bigger for their new life together. All is good.

(Happy Birthday Sissy!)


  1. I never realized before how much you look like Barbara Eden! My Grandma had a closet in her den that was stocked with "toys" for us to play with when we would come visit her. They were actually old jars filled with rubber bands and pencils and paper clips and who-knows-what-else, but we thought that closet and its contents were magiical. Years later, when I was married and had a baby of my own, I was helping her unpack in the apartment she moved to after selling her house. I opened one box and found a "collection" of jar lids. She told me to close that box and not to tell Mom about it. She was saving them in case she ever had a jar that needed a lid and she knew my mom would think it was silly. (She also had a box filled with candle nubs.) My mom would have understood - she saved things, too, just in case - as do I - but I never told. It was our secret.

  2. ha! yes I really do, huh? ;) .. that's a great story. My gmom had a rubber band ball that she made and we played with. I thought it was the greatest thing ever. She also had a game called 'Tiddly Winks' I think it was my uncle's and mom's from when they were kids. I don't remember her having a box of lids, but she pretty much kept everything too, just in case ..... I think it was a generational thing .... yet that quality is passed along .... you should see all the stuff I have. and I know we both have that ' I can do something with this' gene... I guess we got it from our gmoms. :)
