Thursday, February 11, 2010

You Don't Like Steak, You Like Chicken.

(First, this photo is both sick and funny all at the same time)

I once had a guy tell me that I didn't like steak, I liked chicken. This was after he was telling me how to cook a steak. Something like, "You cook it for about 2 minutes on each side - blah, blah" to which I said something like "Is it still bleeding at that point?" And he said something like "Well you can cook it for a couple more minutes" and I said something like "Is it still moo-ing?" and he said "You don't like steak, you like chicken."

To a degree he was right, but to another degree he was WAY wrong. I made myself a steak tonight and it was DELISH! (I write these the night before, my brain doesn't work that early in the morning) Anywho, I did a really good job. It wasn't bleeding. It wasn't moo-ing. It was yummy. I thought it might help my headache, but it didn't.

It did, however, smoke up the house so much I could hardly see AND the smoke alarm didn't (yup, I said DID NOT) go off - that may be a problem. But, it wasn't actually burnt. It was quite tasty with some asparagus and corn. I am quite the cook. - ha!

Speaking of chicken - I AM A CHICKEN. scared of heights (told that one) bugs ESP. roaches, bees, spiders ... don't really care for worms or pretty much anything else .... the dark (Like out in the middle of nowhere dark)- having that feeling of someone coming up behind you in the dark - Haunted houses --

I ONCE went to a haunted house (a good 22 years ago). As we were finally getting to the end of that stupid scary house -(I had already survived the part where I was sitting on the back of the hay truck as it drove up to the house, where people jumped out of the woods and grabbed me (don't like that))- we were walking along and I could see a little sliver of light in the distance (creeping in the top of the door) and all of a sudden people started grabbing our legs!!!!! (I really don't like that)

SO, I ran full force ahead shoving the girl in front of me out through the door. As we were falling out of the door, I lost my balance grabbing her to help break my fall. Grabbing her as I was falling. From behind....OK, I grabbed her boobs - one in each hand - as I shoved her out of that damn pitch black haunted house just to get the hell out! And let me just say, I'd do it again, in a heartbeat! That is, if I'd go back in a haunted house, which I won't. Thank you, very much!

:) the.end.


  1. That photo made me really uneasy. I say if someone/anyone has specific ideas about how to cook a steak/anything, he/she should be doing the cooking themselves (which would be okay with me). I love steak AND chicken.

  2. hee hee yeah, i am sure it is a joke, it makes me a little uncomfortable, too. i bet he is warm :) hee hee. And yup on the steak cookin' too :)
