Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Pet Peeves .......

--When someone wears their sunglasses (at night) in stores. You are not that important. Unless you have 'eye issues' take them off. You look like a fool and snobby, to boot.

--To the person in the checkout line - do not fold and stuff my 'gift bag' into the purchase/sales bag. If I wanted bent up crappy paper to wrap on my odd shaped gift, I would have saved myself the cost of the gift bag and just wrapped the miss-shaped thing at home.

--If you're driving slow, move out of the fast lane.

--While we are at it, please don't take your Sunday drive on Tuesday. Many of us have somewhere to be.

--I don't like to take the front thing off the shelf. Meaning, if I am buying a box of something off the shelf, I usually take one from further back.

--Do not pick up my drink and drink from it without asking. I need time to mentally prepare.

--When people are rude to old people.

--When I have met someone a good 5-7 times and they still don't have a clue who I am. :(



  1. So this is your prickly side. I thought I was the only one with the prickly gene...

  2. haa! haa! yes it is. best part, the prickly doesn't usually last very long ...... I have th emoment and move on ..... so that's not too bad :) hee hee
