Monday, February 8, 2010

Life's Observation

The Setup: Going through the cafeteria line. Exiting the door with tray in hand. Entering the crowded lunchroom full of teenagers.

The Feeling: Panic. Who likes me? Who won't make fun of me? Who accepts me - just as I am?

This is how I feel on any given day. Walking into a meeting. Entering a store/etc. I have never been to. Seeing someone I haven't seen in a long while. Talking to strangers. Meeting people in large groups. Even talking on the phone. It's a shy thing. Something I push away on a regular basis. Something that is always there, but at various levels. I hope I hide it, but don't think I hide it very well.

It's funny, though. Sometimes I don't feel this way at all. :)

the end.


  1. I think in many ways we are the same person. Is everybody like this or just us?

  2. I think in many ways we are .. and I certainly hope we are not alone :) surely there are others out there :)
