Monday, February 15, 2010

I Am Sensitive.

This isn't anything that anyone who knows me doesn't already know. I am sensitive, Not overly (I don't think). I believe that if I weren't as sensitive as I am, then I wouldn't be as thoughtful. I think they go fairly hand-in-hand.(does that sound full of myself that I say I am thoughtful? I don't mean it that way, it's just what I have been told) ... But while we are at it on being 'thoughtful' ... I don't understand why one wouldn't want to be.

I am by no means, always thoughtful, nor as nice as I should be. But why would we ever think so little of others as to be thoughtless. For if I am not thoughtful, am I thoughtless? I would hate to be thought of as thoughtless. Though I may think a little too much on it all at times.

While talking of these qualities let me throw in another one. One that often bugs me. (and again, I am not perfect with these, and am not fooled into thinking I am) - however- .. Caring. That's the one I am talking about. I have never understood someone saying they care, when their actions show so obviously that they do not. Know this. If I say I care, I do. I'd never say it if I didn't mean it. That, to me, is a very basic level of cruelty. Maybe because I am sensitive.

P.s. Here is something else I learned early on. ALL gifts should be thoughtful (and I am not saying this with my upcoming Birthday - I want nor need anything). I once worked for an upscale children's toy store. Someone called and asked that we pick out a gift for their 10 year old daughter for X amount of $$ and could we have it wrapped up so they could pick it up after work.

How sad, I thought. To care so little as to not pick out your own child's gift. To think you are too busy and it is unimportant. To care -- less. From that moment on I vowed to always put thought in every gift I give, make, etc. I may not give the right thing, but I always put thought into it. I don't know. ... I am learning I should expect less. The only one disappointed with expectations is you (me) ..... I guess it is the sensitivity. I'll have to work on that. :)

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