Sunday, February 7, 2010

Randoms .. because, really, that's about all I can think of right now.

Fall is my favorite time of year (have I said that already?)

My parents bought me a birthday cake one year and I cried. (I wanted my special request cake - yellow with pink icing)

I wanted a dog so bad, I named my duck (from the easter bunny) after my cousin's dog.

I like to mix (stir) my regular ice cream around until it is 'soft serve' (And chocolate is best when it starts out as vanilla with chocolate sauce mixed in)

I like peanut butter and potato chip sandwiches. But I don't often but peanut butter
because it also tastes great on a spoon.

I like to get a little piece of art from the art shows I go to, to remember it by -- therefore, I am a little Knick-knacky.

My first car was a Yellow and black convertible super beetle - I LOVED THAT CAR! - It was very me!

We had a slumber party at the girl scout house when I was little (in B'Ham). I watched a jumping cricket crawl across a girls face ..... scared the crap outta me and I had to pull my sleeping bag over my head. I am not keen on bugs!

I like a lazy Sunday but then I feel like I should have done something. (I'm going to do something today)


  1. that's ok . that's pretty much where I am at ..... the 17th can't get here soon enough :)
