Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Say 'cheese' ... and SMILE!!!!!

I have a strange fear that my teeth are going to get knocked out. Not fall out, knocked out. The first time I realized this fear was while riding in the car with a good friend (we'll call her 'the one who shall remain nameless' or nameless for short). She drove a zippy little car with no AC and we had the windows all the way down. I remember exactly where we were the first time I thought it. (I think we were in our early to mid 20s at this point) We were zipping down Woodlawn near my parents street. I don't know what was said, or which one of us said it, but IT WAS FUNNY and I WAS LAUGHING! BIG LAUGH - OUT LOUD - MOUTH WIDE OPEN -HEE-HAW! and then it hit me (the THOUGHT/FEAR) ...... No doubt a rock is going to fly up here and knock out my teeth!.

I remember it like it was yesterday (except that I have no idea what we were laughing at or why in the world it crossed my mind that a rock was going to fly up and knock my teeth out) ... Truth be told, i think 'nameless' scared me a little when she drove :) it wasn't just the car that was zippy :)

I still have the strange fear/thought that hits me every once in a while .... though it is not with the 'nameless' driver .. it is more random ..... Like when I was recently walking around Savannah on the cobblestone streets in heels, on my tippy toes. (btw, they weren't just cobblestone roads, they were like these BIG ball shaped rocks on the ground with a little cement or whatever in between that they were calling cobblestone - just saying) :) .... (hmmm wonder what 'cobble' means .. I'll look that up ... maybe round :)...) Anywho .... this is my fear, it's weird and irrational (I guess) but it is what it is ...... maybe I'll look up what it means .... :)

the. end.

p.s. well I looked it up and found this: Dreams of losing teeth are often dreams of embarrassment or potentially embarrassing situations. I also found that a LOT of people have a fear of their teeth falling out and feel like they are loose and when they brush their teeth they have to double check in the mirror that they are still there. I do NOT have this fear. (I'm not that weird) :) jk ... Anywho, mine isn't really a dream, just a random thought. So I will go with the Dreams of losing teeth are often dreams of embarrassment or potentially embarrassing situations. That sounds logical and fairly fitting. :)


  1. Well, I don't think about my teeth getting knocked out, but I should since it actually happened to me when I was in the 7th grade. I was swimming at Peony Park in Omaha, Nebraska and they had these bars in the water and I hit one and chipped one of my front teeth. The first thing that ran through my mind was that I wouldn't be able to do any more toothpaste commercials (a whole other story)...

  2. ha! ha! i KNOW about your commercials ... remember Scott told me :)
