Tuesday, January 19, 2010


Really I could end this blog right here. I mean it really says it all ... and yet it doesn't, so I will continue.

When I say that I LOVE glitter and twinkle lights, I am not kidding. There is something SO magical about it all.

The white TWINKLE LIGHTS at Christmas (and all year long for that matter, i mean - why take them down? seriously!)make me happy (and when I say 'twinkle lights' let me explain, that they don't have to actually blink - they twinkle all on their own, just by being what they are - themselves. little white twinkle lights) .... I watched Bridget Jone's Diary this weekend and, at one point, Mr. Darcy - which was Collin Firth's name in that Mr. Darcy movie, which wasn't the name of that movie but I can't remember what was . OH, Pride and Prejudice? - anywho - says 'I like you JUST AS YOU ARE' Well, that's how I feel about twinkle lights :) I like them JUST AS THEY ARE! All sparkle-y and crisp and bright and magical and beautiful and happy.

If I had a yard, I would string up the trees with white twinkle lights. Winding them on the branches and draping them from tree to tree .... the more the BETTER! ... Wait for dark, turn on some music and dance among the twinkle lights ... like no one was watching - (of course I would prefer this to be in the back yard) :) ... I would also lay out a blanket and lay under my very own 'starry night' - soaking it all in ... ahhh it makes me SMILE just thinking about it.... one day :)

As for GLITTER, I feel pretty much the same .... I mean, most everything is better with a little glitter on it :) shoes, paintings/artwork, purses/wallets, cars, cards... EVERYTHING! When I see glitter I smile .... How happy I would be wearing glitter under a 'sky' of twinkle lights ... hee hee WOWZA! ha! .....

It is simple, really, and funny how something so small and seemingly insignificant can bring about a happiness and joy that, when explaining, seems kind of strange ...... but it does ... twinkle lights and glitter .. that's all it takes. (or at the very least a good foundation) :)

Side note: I must confess, I fear that one day - in my old age - you will come across me and I will be wearing gold glittery shoes. I said this to my sister and she told me that she was sure of it and, basically, I should let the fear go and embrace it ... because there was no doubt in her mind that it would happen....so, I EMBRACE IT!!!! One day I WILL WEAR GLITTER SHOES (maybe not gold) and FOR SURE while I AM DANCING UNDER THE TWINKLE LIGHTS!


  1. Me too! In fact, we have white twinkle lights around the top of our screen porch and they're on a timer and they come on every night around sunset. If we see it happen we say, "La lune!" which I think means "the light!" in some language. Even if it is the right expression it's probably not spelled the right way, but we know what it means. And those little sparkling lights make us feel like (even when it's cold outside and we're not out there under them) there's a party going on. My other light story has to do with a magical evening in March 1993. March 13 to be exact. (I know this because of my perfectly organized scrapbooks and I have photos.) We had left the lights on our bushes out front after Christmas because we were busy and it was cold, but we had turned them off on January 6 (because that's Epiphany and the Wise Men had found the baby Jesus). That day, in the late afternoon it started to snow. Big, white, soft flakes. We remembered the lights and I ran outside to plug them back in. They were so beautiful twinkling through the snow! We ordered pizza just because it felt like we were snowed in and we wanted to celebrate. And the pizza delivery man loved the lights. A very special memory. Yes, I love twinkle lights and glitter, too!

  2. thank you for your twinkle light stories and for reading :) -- i can't take credit for the photo -- i found it online - it's so pretty - (I hope I don't get sued) :)
