Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Random Thinks and Other Ramblings

-- My first cigarette was between the ages of 6 and 9. I know this because it was in the alley near our house and before we moved to Nashville. My sister told me she would rat me out about something else I had done if I didn't try it with her. And so I did.

My last cigarette was puffed on while dancing on top of a table at a fraternity party when I was around 21. I don't recall there being any in between these two times, though there might have been. I am happy to say that was my first and last (though not the last time I danced on a table - hee hee - but all innocent fun :)

-- I used to sleep with my new shoes. I wouldn't wear them, but wanted to sleep with them in the bed - hugging them. When I was real little I yelled in the store 'It's no fair, NO FAIR, I don't want two pairs of shoes, I only want one!' (I believe this is where the math problems may have started)

-- When people would come over to visit (grown ups) I would run off to my room and make them something.

-- I used to love making mud pies.

-- I miss my gmom every day. She was the best

-- Fall is my favorite time of year.

-- I once begged my daddy to 'please shave his beard' - I just wanted 'my daddy's old face back' ... and so he did. And I watched. And I cried the whole time. We then went to pick my sister up from swimming and I stood in the back of the car - back in the days when kids were human missals, legally - crying the whole way there and back home. I then sat at the dinner table and cried, while staring at him the whole time, until I finally threw up and went to bed.

-- The only pets I have had, when I was little, were a fish and a duck. And we babysat a bunny for a while. My fishy was named Sylvester. He was silver - while he lived in the little bowl. Then we put him in a pond and he turned black. hhmmmm (I did have a few fish later on, when I was older - I accidentally killed them with cold water ... oops.. (it really was terrible, I cried for hours r.i.p. max and erma)

My duck's name was 'Muggsy' (after my cousin's dog) - my sister had a duck named Skipper - The easter bunny brought them to us, anywho, I was really little and my dad traveled all the time. (he would be gone all week and home on weekends)I don't really remember them other than the time there were terrible rain storms (Tornado watches) and my sister and I were crying and my dad was out of town and my mom had to go outside and get the ducks and bring them inside- during the storm. - I don't remember that part, just that they were running around the living room. :)

So, at a later date, the ducks came down with some sort of disease and 'died'. My dad would call from out of town and I would always say - every night when he called 'Daddy - Did you know my duckies died?' And of course he did.

Years later - like when my sister and I were both done with school - adults - my dad said something about having to hit one of the ducks over the head with a shovel and kill it because they were diseased and flopping around all over the yard.

We were horrified! and he was like 'I had to, they were really sick, it was terrible watching them like that'

To this day, I am sure it was Skipper, he had to hit with the shovel. :)

-- My first words (besides momma and daddy) GO BAMA, GO!! which I kept yelling long after they lost the game.

-- I used to play dress up all the time. if i could wear it tied around me or on my head, I did and it was an 'outfit'.

To be continued ...


  1. Oh. My. Goodness. What a wonderful wealth of Mike Ann information! Really, you write your stories so well that I can see them happening. I laughed, I cried...

  2. you probably fell asleep, too, since it was so long :)
