Monday, January 25, 2010

I Dream A Dream .....

... of having my own art studio-space, one day. Nothing fancy or spectacular (though, I'll take that, too :) ...) I would just like a house with a basement or a garage I could convert. Enough space to spread everything out and not worry about spilling paint or making a mess. Wall and floor space BIG enough to create large paintings etc. Shelves for all my art stuff and counters and BIG tables to work on. A work sink for clean up.

Plus space to store all my paintings painted, all my makings made. (since they didn't make it into the show) - ha! -- Oh well, anyone have a birthday coming up? ;)wink

1 comment:

  1. I want art space, too, only every time I get new space (ie when the girls moved out) I turn it into a real room instead...
